Best Places to Put LED Strip Lights

Lighting is no longer just something we need to see at night—it’s a stylistic expression. When doing the light design in your house or in your business, it’s important to keep the power of light in mind. The right lighting can give you an energy boost when you most need it or create a calm environment perfect for entertaining when the busy day is done.

There’s a lot of research on the effects that different lighting has on our moods and our psychology. For example, Psychology Today reported on the cozy, social atmosphere that comes with warm lighting, and how cool lighting can help create an atmosphere for focus and concentration. In addition, the placement of the lights within your home can have a big impact on both aesthetics and mood. 

Keep reading to learn about some of the best places to put your LED strip lights.

Under Cabinets

As the name suggests, under-cabinet lightning illuminates the space underneath your cabinets. It’s most often used in the kitchen, as it makes the workspace better lit and easier to operate in without the harshness of the overhead light.

Placing LED strips on the seams underneath your cabinets can make any space seem to glow gently while still providing the necessary light to do everyday tasks.

Under Shelves 

Putting LED strip lights on the underside of your shelves can bring attention to a prized collection of books or a masterpiece sculpture. It’s a great way to emphasize a particular part of a room and immediately draw the eye.

LED shelf lighting is also functional, as you can use it in closets, laundry rooms, or basements to lighten all the dark corners. For example, if you have a walk-in closet or a closet full of shelves, try adding LED strips to the undersides to illuminate your clothing, improving the aesthetic of the space and making it more functional at the same time.

Behind TV or Computer Screens 

Lightning on the back of your TV or computer screen can help ease the strain on your eyes from staring for a prolonged time. Along with that, it’s an opportunity to improve the room’s lighting design, so it’s a win-win.

The glowing effect can be easily achieved by simply putting a strip of LED lights on the bottom, top, and down both sides of the screen (on the backside). If you’re an avid gamer or you work late at night, you can try out RGB LED strip lights that allow you to change the colour to fit your desired atmosphere.
There are seemingly endless places to put LED light strips in and outside of your home or business, which means there’s lots of room to experiment. Linear Lux stocks Australia’s largest range of LED light solutions, so check out our LED strip lights today to make your space lighter and your mood brighter.

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